From MAHQ: "Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Blue Knight Berserga Story is a four-volume novel series released exclusively in Japan from 1985-1987. Initially published in Dual Magazine, it was written by Masanori Hama with illustrations by Hiroyuki Hataike. The story focuses on Kain McDougal, a former AT pilot who enters the Battling arena to track down his best friend’s killer. The novels were later adapted into a 1997 PlayStation 1 game published by Takara. The game was distributed in North America as an import titled Blue Saber Knights."
But I can't find anything online about the NA version of this game. The Japanese version of the game has English text on the box as seen here: ... ition.html
But it's definitely the Japanese version, as it has the product code SCPS-45115, and SCPS is the code for Japanese PS1 and PS2 games. So is the information on MAHQ wrong? Did Takara actually imported and released the game in North America at any noticeable quantity?
Was the PS1 Votoms Blue Knight game ever been in North America?
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