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NAME: The Votoms universe has plenty of funky names. Get your 80's goggles ready!
RANK: The default is Private E2. PFC is for more experienced soldiers, and Sergeant is for veterans.
AGE: exactly what it looks like
HEIGHT/WEIGHT/FEATURES: Again, exactly what it looks like. Your character will be wearing uniform though, so don't worry about clothes.
ROLE: Most of you will put down either Scopedog pilot or Standing Tortoise pilot.
BIO: A brief bio of your character
PERSONAL NOTES: Mostly your character's personality, as well as any other details such as talents or shortcomings.
With those taken care of, here are some tips for character creation.
-If you wouldn't try to submit them to Tales from the Frontlines, don't bother trying to submit them here.
-Your home planet will greatly influence your character's background. Someone growing up on a populated planet will be very different from someone from a dead planet.
-Outfitting your AT will take place in the first episode. So don't worry about those details now.
-While veterans are acceptable, Red Shoulders are a no-go, especially on a mission that involves killing one of their own.
-If your character wants to represent some other power with interests in Scarax or Betros, or has some secret to hide, feel free to PM me. Keep it a secret though- hidden agendas are no fun if every other player is in on it!
I'll put up a sample profile in a moment.