Ideas for a Better World

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Ideas for a Better World

-Ideas for a Better World-

Exactly what it says on the tin.

I'd like to hear your ideas for how we could make this planet a more decent place to live. This includes everything except politics; new infrastructure, new technology, new planning, new ways of doing things.
Tell us how we can make a tomorrow that we, as a SPECIES, can be proud of.

As I'm sure many of you do as well, I've been meditating on how our history sucks so hard. Sure, we have had a few great things here and there, but look back! Look at ALL the incredible missed opportunities and tragedies that we have faced. For as long as we have been on this planet, Humans have dreamed of good things yet to come. We have tried to build the future so many times, but what has happened? What happens that topples those dreams, that blunts their cutting edge to the point of irrelevance? And why do we marginalize so many good ideas that come to fruition, or outright forget them?
This is not a question of the WAY these things happen, history can show us the how and the why. But why do we allow such things to continue? We are a brilliant, creative, compassionate species, and our potential is literally beyond measure. We need not be bound by apathy, or greed, or the status quo. We are the only intelligent life that we know of, and that certainly gives us a responsibility to be all that we can possibly be.

I remember the millennium. I watched as Humanity, across the globe, came together for an instant and said "This is it, this is the beginning of a NEW ERA, we will stand united and go boldly into it!"
But what we got was more of the same, and worse. We live in an era that is slowly, SLOWLY beginning to realize its potential, but I do believe it will get worse before it gets better.
Unless we do something drastic about it.
You who are reading this are the only ones who can make this happen. You are going to build the future; whether you like it or not, and indeed, whether you KNOW it or not, the responsibility is yours. Age does not matter. Generation does not matter. Political viewpoint does not matter. Social and/or financial status does not matter. The only things that matter are your willingness to listen, and to contribute your ideas.
You shape the future merely by existing. But if you choose, you guide it even further.
We all want to be part of something. We want to have done something important in our lives, something to which we can say "YES! I was there! I did that! I helped build the future!"
Do that thing. Make that contribution. There has never been a better time than right now.

So please, tell us! What ideas do you have to make the future a better place for us to live in?
Nothing can happen if it is not first proposed.

Also, if you can, replicate this thread on other forums!
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Re: Ideas for a Better World

Ummm I really can't see how I could contribute to this discussion without it getting a) overtly philosophical and b) political. I have a general policy of not going into deep philosophical discussion on the net due to the unavoidable gridlock of opinions it always causes, and political talk ist verboten here. Most of the questions you raise can be cynically answered by the word "politics" alone.

But I certainly applaud your sentiments; such frustrations no doubt visit all of us from time to time. That's why we've had such rigorous discussions of the fictional future societies of animated people; extrapolation is a healthy way of venting out those frustrations. :)
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Re: Ideas for a Better World

This sounds suspiciously like a 'copy n pasted' viral thread. And as Antares suggested, this ventures into dicey political disucssion territory which is clearly a no-no per webmaster Chris. While intentions are probably well-meaning, not sure this thread should stay open.
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Re: Ideas for a Better World

Sorry for going all political - seeing how its rude to talk about prostitution in mixed/polite company - but I say that it should be required for all candidates to have a colonoscopy, and to have it publicly available, so the voting public would know the face of those they are voting for. :wink:
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Re: Ideas for a Better World

topic locked.

no politics, guys.