Strongest "Secondary" CE Gundam?

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Strongest "Secondary" CE Gundam?

So what does everyone think would be the Strongest "Secondary" CE Gundam? I mean the units piloted by the extended in both series. So the Forbidden, Calamity and Raider, as well as the Chaos, Gaia, and Abyss.
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Re: Strongest "Secondary" CE Gundam?

I'm not sure about it being the "strongest" per se, but the Forbidden (and its descendants) have found their niche as the Earth Alliance's mainstay aquatic MS, so it is almost-certainly the most successful of the lot.
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Re: Strongest "Secondary" CE Gundam?

I'd argue the Calamity is the most powerful of the first three units(with Raider a close second) owing to the massive amounts of beam weaponry attached to the unit, which don't require transformation to MA mode to use.

For the second set Abyss. Despite seeming more limited in being an aquatic based MS; the Abyss proves maneuverable in several environments, such as colonies, space and both sky and sea on earth. It probably has the most beam weapons of the three; and the most unique weapons, plus ones that are useable in most modes and environments.
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