Is Freedom really stronger than druggies MS?

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Is Freedom really stronger than druggies MS?

Lately i've been debating on a Seed video on youtube, the usual topic: " Which is stronger, Kira or Athrun" =)) then while we were classifying other factors to judge these two, there come a problem: Is the Freedom ( and Justice) really have higher performance aka firepower, speed, mobility than the druggies MS? I have to say this is a very interesting re-examination, so i followed this guy's idea. Just too bad that when it came to calculating their speed according to movie frames, i have no way to confirm his results, as i am bad at this. So i bring this matter here for everyone who is interest in debating. This is a very important matter, that it would even change the order in term of fighting strength of Seed's MS, so if you guys can, please join in. I will link the video with the comments in here.
The comments are too long to spoil, please look at Kylo Ren's comment, at the end with Innereyes View and binhnguyenphamnguyen's debate comments
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Re: Is Freedom really stronger than druggies MS?

please don't drag arguments from other websites here, thank you