New fanfic: Gundam Seed Phoenix

Your own tale of two mecha.
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The winner as a sole contender is CHASER for my challenge to craft a franken suit that Kira might've designed for the Junk Guild during his brief stay with them. Thanks very much to CHASER, fanservice request has been logged in. :)

On a vaguely relating topic, here is episode 34 - Hammer And Anvil for your viewing/reading pleasure. Q&A also updated with useful comments and explanations.. maybe. No mecha updates in character profile. First two scenes require a measure of suspension of disbelief, and after that, please read the Q&A if still unsatisfied.

Here are the traditional exceprts:
Rebel sergeant: This is going straight to hell. We were supposed to have friends here.
Pilot: Sir, we must run! We have to get to Alaska!
Rebel sergeant: [pessimistically] And then where? Everyone is fleeing to Alaska! No way do they have enough resources there. I haven’t heard of a single unit that has stopped to secure some strategic resources or even spots critical for a counterattack. [voice rising is desperation] We’re all running to the same direction as if we thought we had a plan! If we ever get to Alaska we will only starve there or die with the others as the bastards come in and kill us!
[The pilots in his squad are taken aback by such hopelessness. Not all of the DAGGERs have Jet or Aile packs, so they can only make prolonged jumps with the help of their thrusters. Their escape is not a very fast one.]
Pilot: Then we should’ve stayed at the refinery! If we had dug in, they wouldn’t have dared to fire at us and risk spilling all the oil.
[The sergeant winces at that idea, feeling that even if he is a rebel he still follows a certain code of honor, one which led him to join the defectors in the first place. And that code of honor does not include holding the environment hostage.]
Rebel sergeant: [sarcastically] Yes, for a clean blue world indeed. [his screens bleep, yelling on the radio] We have incoming aerial units! We need to make it to the trees for cover!
[The camera shows the DAGGERs jump and skim on the surface as fast they can. From behind them, five upgraded SPEARHEADs scream down from the sky, weaponry sliding out. All fire four missiles and a heavy gatling gun underneath their noses slides into place and starts roaring fire. Lines of bullets hit the ground, throwing up dust and sand, and several continuing on to nearly saw out limbs from DAGGER units in the air or on the ground. Many of the DAGGERs stop and turn to use their CIWS at the missiles, shooting down a few. The rest crash into the ground or into defending DAGGERs, leaving quite a few of the mobile suits disabled, crippled or destroyed. The DAGGERs naturally return fire, but the SPEARHEADs have accelerated away from effective firing range. The sergeant discards his shield, which is full of holes. He looks around him to see a DAGGER L stumble and crash to the ground, one leg and the Aile pack gone, and not getting up anymore. In another downed DAGGER L, the pilot is trying to get out of a burning cockpit. He gets halfway out until the flames flare up, scorching his back. Wordlessly he slumps back in, disappearing into the fire. The sergeant then looks at the disappearing signals of the SPEARHEADs, shaking his head. Tactics and old weaponry can still match, and even overwhelm a disorganized force with better equipment. The trees are close now though, and the sergeant rallies his men.]
Rebel sergeant: Come on! For the trees!
[The camera cuts forward to the tree line, where a good dozen tanks have dug in. In one turret, a familiar tank commander from the previous episode uses his binoculars to gauge the distance to the approaching DAGGERs. The numbers give a range, and he slides in, closing the hatch. He radios the other tanks.]
Commander: Next jump they make, shoot down all the flight-capable ones. Everyone pick your target. Piercing ammo.
[The camera goes back to the field on which the DAGGERs struggle forwards, pilots panting and looking at the forest with great hope of a reprieve. One DAGGER fires its boosters again to make a long jump, and at that moment the ground at the tree line erupts with a dozen muzzle flashes, the report echoing loudly. The pilots scream in shock as the shells impact. Although the armor of the DAGGERs is tough, the piercing rounds cause severe damage on regular mass produced units. Several DAGGERs with Aile packs come down in a crushed heap of metal, the one jumping catching a shell right in the chest, and toppling backwards onto the ground again, quite still. The remaining mobile suits fire back, desperately. The sergeant’s DOPPERLHORN fires, felling trees and taking out a tank. Now that the tanks have shown themselves, the mobile suits can fire effectively back, although the low profile makes hitting them hard. Tanks blow up along the line, but regardless they keep their fire up. The DAGGERs are moving for the forest, trying to shield themselves and avoid getting hit. The DOPPERLHORN cannons fire again but are hit by a beam round in return, the gun pack demolished. From the side of the trees a few old DAGGERs emerge, adding their firepower to those of the tanks. Eurasian Federation mobile suits join in to finish the rebel force. The sergeant’s DAGGER is hit repeatedly by crippling fire, taking out bits and pieces. Before his screens go blank with static he sees another tank round blow up the upper torso of a DAGGER L completely, and the suit simply falls forward to the ground, blowing up. The rebel mobile suits are lost.]
This action sequence is almost MSV -type material, since it only makes the world around the main actors of GSP more alive (in my opinion). It also features older tech which I like to include where I can despite the fact that my fic is overflowing with Gundams. But to counteract this, here is also a bit of comedy from the famed no-name grunts Guard#1 and #2:
The camera moves further inside the colony to the habitat/holding cells set up for Hel and Janus. Both are watching at a screen showing the battle with rapt attention, holding their hands tightly. In the control room the two guards fidget.]
Guard#1: Are you sure it’s okay to show them this?
Guard#2: [shrugs, smiling like a man damned] They asked. They asked very nicely. Through the two-way mirror. Looking straight into my eyes.
[The other guard has nothing to offer to this other than swallowing very noticeably, and lighting a cigarette with a slightly trembling hand.]
Guard#2: They also said smoking is a dirty habit.
[A series of coughs expels the cigarette from the other guard’s mouth, and he just stands quietly, hoping that if he doesn’t move all this will go away.]
So please go and read and give comments. :)
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
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Here we are again with an update. This time it is episode 35 - Determination. Some action and some comedy intertwined. Check it out.

The excerpts are about reorganizing; the first is about the UPA preparing for the hunt after Lacus Clyne and Kira Yamato (and the Hammer of ZAFT):
[Ramius watches Athrun’s slumped shoulders as he steps into an elevator and heads to the UPA living quarters on PLANT PRIME. As the elevator heads down, Ramius sighs and walks briskly into the opposite direction. The camera jumps ahead of her and into a briefing room filled with UPA pilots and officers. Fred Frost has shined his uniform to near-sparkling glory. Even Arthur Trine is there, standing proudly in his brand new UPA uniform. Lunamaria is sitting among the OUTRIDER’s crew. Dearka is standing behind Shiho, who has the podium.]
Shiho: While we wait for the colonel and commodore, I can announce the duty roster for the OUTRIDER. We agreed with captain Ramius that I will continue as the captain of the ship, but the Hawk Wing needs to be slightly reorganized for this mission.
[The crew starts to buzz, talking amongst each other. Jerry and Kurogawa look at each other with no idea what is going on, and Mongoose is trying to make his moves on Lunamaria, who is flattered but uninterested.]
Shiho: [annoyed] Keep your mouths shut while I talk. [everyone shuts up like magic] Now, there are certain changes that are to be made. And this applies to my crew only, you understand?
[Behind her Dearka is doing his best to imitate her scowl and mannerisms, causing severe problems to Jerry and Mongoose in the front row to keep up an expression of rapt, serious attention.]
Shiho: [oblivious] As the senior officer here, major Elthmann will be in charge of the mobile suit contingent placed on the OUTRIDER.
[Behind her Dearka points both his thumbs at himself and bows to an imaginary crowd showering him with applause and adoration, but stopping just in time to look innocent when Shiho whirls around. Jerry is going red in the face, trying to keep silent, and Mongoose focusing on Shiho’s butt as she turned.]
Shiho: [turning back] Major Elthmann will continue training the Hawk Wing… such as his “training” is, after we launch. You’re not veteran pilots yet, people.
[Shiho pauses to let all this to sink in. She notices that Ramius enters the room quietly from the door opposite to the podium. She is about call the crew into attention, but Ramius motions her to finish her own speech first. Shiho frowns at this, since military regulations do dictate certain rules, but then shrugs and lets it slide. The people behind Shiho notice Ramius’ arrival and each greet her subtly. Arthur beams a happy smile, Frost nods in respect and Dearka resumes his imitation of Shiho’s body language.]
Shiho: The new wing commander for the Hawk Wing is Lunamaria Hawke.
[Lunamaria is showered by cheers and congratulations. Jerry frowns, but the rest of the Hawk Wing turn to her and clap.]
Shiho: Her promotion means that lieutenant Kurogawa is bumped to wing lieutenant, the second in command. Sergeants Mongoose and Saber are the wing sergeants. Is this clear?
[The crew of the OUTRIDER gives a mixed chorus of happy mumblings. Kurogawa doesn’t seem to mind a de facto demotion, although Jerry and Mongoose immediately lock their eyes.]
Mongoose: First night-shift duty. Rock-Paper-Scissors?
Jerry: [grins] You’re on. One, two, three, damn!
Shiho: [raises her voice, Dearka behind her shaking a finger in a proclaiming fashion] Now that you heard the good news, I suppose you can handle the bad. As of now, the OUTRIDER is a clean ship. I will have no alcohol on the vessel.
[There is a momentary shocked silence, and a few unsympathetic jeers from the crew of the VALKYRIE.]
Dearka: [breaking the silence] WHAT?!
Shiho: I spoke clearly enough, and the order applies to all officers and senior staff too.
[Dearka looks at Shiho and sees her triumphant grin underneath her official facade.]
Dearka: Captain, with your permission, I would like a transfer to another ship.
Shiho: Denied.
The second here is on the rogue branch of the EDF trying to organize their ranks now that their rebellion has begun. It is not going well:
Dei: [grunts, tries not to strangle himself on his collar] Uh, to help out with the repairs?
Vries: [shakes his head, grins] That won’t do. You’re one of the heroes here. You need to come with me to have a drink. [lowers his voice] We need to have a little talk.
[Dei visibly swallows. Vries drapes his arm over his shoulder and leads him away. At the other side of the hangar Locke is met by a few officers, saluting him smartly. Two of them are women in old fashioned EA uniform. Locke smiles at them, nodding as he passes, and the men start walking after him. A few of them glance at Kofu curiously, but shrug, guessing he has a right to be there.]
Locke: [to one of the female officers] Simone, I am glad to see you here. I trust your ships are secure as well.
[The woman gives a cursory glance around her, noting Chiiro’s hostile look. There seems to be some history between the female officer and Locke, and Chiiro doesn’t much care for it.]
Simone: Yes, sir. The LIBERTY and the DAUNTLESS are both here and they have been prepped for anything you order.
[One of the male officers seems impatient, and interrupts.]
Male EA officer: Commander Locke, have you heard anything from general Abertes?
[Locke frowns clearly and stops, Chiiro almost walking into his back. She very subtly braces him, since the collision makes him rock on his heels slightly. Locke turns to the officers.]
Locke: General Abertes is not here?
Simone: [raises one eyebrow] We haven’t heard anything from him since the initial briefing. We assumed you would have some fresh orders with you.
Locke: [shakes his head before she finishes] I haven’t heard anything after we parted ways. [pauses] The original plan was that he would give orders from whatever base he establishes himself in. Apparently he is not here?
[All shake their heads, their faces going darker. Locke notices this and is filled with premonition.]
Locke: What other bases to we hold in addition to JOSH-B?
[Silence fills the gap, and Locke looks at all of them disbelievingly.]
Locke: We have no other bases than this? And Abertes is lost?
[Simone is the only one who follows this logic and nods, all others falling silent. Even Kofu realizes very quickly that this is a bad situation.]
Locke: [getting angry] Who the hell is in charge of this situation? JOSH-B was supposed to be the base fortress, not the last line of defense.
[Locke whirls around and stomps down the corridors, others hastening after him. He passes by a mess hall where mobile suit pilots are stuffing themselves with food and liquor. Locke spares them a disdainful gaze as he moves by.]
Locke: Have the food and drink been rationed? The storages here cannot support a force this large for more than a week, maybe two! [not waiting for an answer] Are there any other supply bases nearby?
Simone: Most of them were sacked by the troops on their way here.
Locke: [voice rising] Get raiders ready and have them depart immediately! We need to get more supplies and a few strategic forward outposts to get fresh reconnaissance.
Simone: [shakes her head, sadly] The independent mobile suit detachments have rallied under a leader of their own. Most of the marines here also listen to him since he upholds very lax discipline. [mournfully] Our men are mostly space corps, ship crew and engineers. We cannot challenge his authority.
Locke: [snarls] Spineless! We’re losing this struggle by the second. [stops to cry out] Goddamnit! We finally gain our freedom and the force to strike at the abominations, and we are thwarted by the idiocy of our own?!
Simone: [hesitantly] The orders general Abertes gave expected a strong chain of command, and with the confusion…
[Locke whirls around with such speed that Simone has no time to flinch as the slap rings against her cheek. Even Kofu is startled, and Locke breathes laboriously.]
Locke: You are an embarrassment to your uniform. You will prepare your men immediately.
[Kofu snaps into attention.]
Locke: Kofu! [voice poisonous] Go assemble our marines and secure the goods we need. If the others try to stop you, shoot them. Commander Simone Rasch, you and your men will prepare your ships and then come over and help mine. And you will do it right now! I will deal with the… [spits] …commander of this base.
[The officers cower and salute, all leaving to do as they’ve been told. Chiiro moves next to Locke, who is trembling. Locke’s blazing eyes turn to her, and she shivers with pleasure to see him so elated, even if it is because of fury.]
Locke: This is infuriating. This fight has been lost before it begun. We need to get out from this death trap while we still can. [trembles again, and Chiiro calms him] Our victory… has eluded me. [shivering inhale of breath] There is only one option open to me. [looks at Chiiro] I will need your strength to help me.
There is some bonus art on the page as well, so go check. Hope you enjoy it. And comments are more than welcome as usual!
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
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Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:44 am
Location: Finland

Hippity ho, by crickey! A new episode is up and within one week of the previous one. Well not quite within a week but not that long. Hopefully you'll read it and comment, eh, eh. You know, nudge-nudge, wink-wink. 8)

Anyways, episode 36 - My Friends. Excerpt follows as usual:
A crane is deployed right in front of the hatch of the cockpit, with Vries standing on the crane, leaning forward to see Dei in the INFERNO’s cockpit, making some changes. Vries leans in even closer, his shadow blocking the light from the ceiling, making Dei frown.]
Dei: [grunts] I would appreciate it if you got out of the way of the light.
Vries: What do you need light for, the panel is lit up like a Christmas tree!
Dei: [grunts again, reaching under the panel] Yeah but I need to find the manual locks… [third grunt] … and switches. [straightens up] You should be happy and quiet that I agreed to update your OS to something closer to your fighting style.
Vries: [huffs sarcastically] You mean something you aim to improve my previous tactics of a crazed and unskilled Natural flailing at the controls?
Dei: [smiles to the panel] You said it, not me. [pushes a few buttons, glances at Vries on the crane and smiles again] Do you know what you resemble perched up there?
[Vries looks at his own posture, then carefully tilts his head to the side, and crouches. He raises his left hand on odd angles to his head, and scratches his hair.]
Vries: [monkey-sounds] Ugh, ugh! Ook?
[Dei glances up and chuckles at the spectacle, and even Vries grins with good humor. His face becomes slightly more serious and he looks around, seeing that no one is nearby and that the noises in the repair bay will drown out any conversation.]
Vries: [calmly] Is that how you look at me, then? At Naturals?
[Dei stiffens slightly, and first pretends that he didn’t hear the words. After a brief moment of silence however he looks up to meet Vries’ intense eyes. Dei reconsiders a moment more, but then responds, speaking softly just in case.]
Dei: Some Coordinators do. But most don’t think of Naturals at all. Or they wouldn’t unless Naturals fired nukes at our homes. [pause] Or stole our mobile suits.
[Vries grins at the barb, taking it more as a compliment.]
Vries: So you space freaks are just one big happy family that the monkeys next door harass for no good reason?
Dei: [considers again, answers slowly, thinking it through] Not really. Naturals actually do themselves a huge disservice when they attack Coordinators as a whole. It usually helps us to unite against you. [pause] Coordinators are like Naturals in that respect; they usually don’t get along with one another.
[Dei decides that he can omit the fact that he is in fact a spy for the Hammer of ZAFT. Vries may have his doubts about the incidence at the laboratory in PLANT EPSILON. Dei glances at Vries who seems to be considering his words with unbecoming calm. Then Vries simply shrugs.]
Vries: All I know is that you kill us, and we kill you. To me it is that simple.
Dei: [to himself] I though it might be. [to Vries] So why do you tolerate me around you?
Vries: [grins] You’re useful. [motions at Dei] You fix my suit. You helped me escape. And you’re stuck with me here with no other friends. [grins even more] You’re a sure ally for me. I like to kick them when they’re down, that is the best time.
Dei: [doubtfully] You’ve been covering me for some time now. If they found out about me, you’ll be trouble too.
Vries: I’ll just say you’re a clever double-agent. I have been hospitalized for the most of the time, so they’ll understand if my judgment hasn’t been completely sound.
[Dei chuckles at this, finding Vries saying “sound judgment” very ironic. Vries understands and appreciates the humor.]
Dei: I am glad that you’re off the drugs, though. That stuff was seriously bad.
[Vries raises his eyebrow with Dei’s uncharacteristic, and certainly misplaced, concern. Dei quickly busies himself with the OS again; thankful that he got the panel powered as he was talking so he doesn’t have to make Smalltalk as much. There is a bit of silence again.]
Vries: Doesn’t it bother you then? Being here among the killers of your kind?
[Dei gives again a long pause and pretends not to hear. Vries picks up a screwdriver and leisurely tosses it at Dei, bouncing it off his head. Dei yelps in surprise, and glares at Vries, who simply returns the stare, demanding answers.]
Dei: [frustrated] What would you like me to say? That I am scared shitless every time someone gives me a long look? Because I am. And you haven’t been much of a help, either. [edge of desperation] I am constantly on my toes. I am afraid that if I do something, somehow some of the bloodhounds here will cry “Coordinator”, and they’ll be all over me!
[By the last sentence Dei’s voice had edged slightly higher, and he looks at Vries with real panic in his eyes. Vries looks around to see if anyone was close enough, but everyone is busy with work. He looks back at Dei, doing his monkey-impression again.]
Vries: You don’t need to worry about them being all over you. Frankly, you’re not that attractive.
[Dei stares at him dumbfounded for a few seconds and then bursts in a relieved laughter. Vries moves down from the crane, and yells something to the people below them. Dei strains to see what is going on. A few engineers toss two water bottles up until they reach Vries, who catches them deftly while still standing on a narrow tube of the crane’s shaft. Dei notices this, and looks away quickly. Dei has his suspicions on what has happened to Vries’ body after the treatment he was given. Taking up a blank face, Dei looks back up and gratefully catches the other water bottle Vries sends sailing his way. Both men sip their water for a moment in silence, Dei forgetting about the reprogramming for a moment.]
Dei: Can I ask you something?
[Vries sips water, and gives an affirmative mumble.]
Dei: Why did you attack BEOWULFE? The colony was… well, it was nothing. You became a fugitive. And in a way, you started all this. [motioning around him]
Vries: [mock serious thought] Hmm. I did, didn’t I? I am a bad man. [slaps himself on his wrist, pauses] Why do you care about BEOWULFE? Did you have family there?
Dei: [shrugs] No, just curious. I am a scientist, and I try to find rational explanations.
Vries: [grins] And you ask me? I am flattered. [pause again] To answer your question, I got a message from the EDF frequency we used to communicate with the… old school of the Atlantic Federation. It said there were hidden weapons in the colony, and I decided to use the chance to expose Coordinator hypocrisy.
Dei: The old school? But I thought you were UPA?
Vries: [waves a hand dismissively] I was not an active officer during the Logos –debacle. That is the reason why I even made it into the UPA. There was no real master plan; I was simply another pair of eyes and ears on the inside. And the message I received turned out to be false, as you know by now. BEOWULFE colony had no hidden weapons. Almost half of my crew mutinied immediately when the riots that broke out in the colony were crushed. I tried to explain things but even oration only goes so far. So the crew mutinied, and those loyal to the EDF old school prevailed. Our honor was gone and we were in ZAFT space. [pause, looks at the bright ceiling lights and squints] Then we got another message, on the same frequency. I dismissed it at first; trying to think how to get out of the mess I had gotten myself into, but then finally read it. It revealed the secret GUNDAM –development plan in PLANT EPSILON. I managed to get a message out past PLANT to Earth and I was promised a sanctuary and even help if I could steal the GUNDAMs and bring them to Earth. I suppose they wanted both the mobile suits and the embarrassment of their discovery. That idea was general Abertes’, by the way. A shrewd, scheming man. So I had little choice but to try to attack PLANT EPSILON and by the cover of surprise make away with the GUNDAMs.
Dei: [quietly] Doesn’t sound much of a plan.
Vries: [takes out a pack of cigarettes, lights up before answering] It wasn’t. I thought that we’d die trying. In the end I was the only one from my ship who survived. [looks at Dei] You don’t count.
[Dei chuckles uncomfortably at that, thoughts running around his head.]
Dei: [to himself] Someone knew of the project and sold the information to this man? Or to the EDF? [to Vries] The intelligence you got was good enough. The GUNDAMs were there.
Vries: [grunts, puffing out a smoke ring] Yeah, but the weapons weren’t on BEOWULFE. 50% is not a very good success rate in this field. I haven’t had a chance to ask who sent me that information. There are some crewmembers I lost who would like to offer a mild protest.
[The meaty slap his fists gives striking his palm leaves little for the imagination of how Vries plans to deliver the said protest. Dei bows over the console again, typing in new specifications. Vries continues smoking and both men seem to be done talking for the moment.
I like the "connection" between Dei and Vries, so that's why I think it's worthy excerpt .material. And it also gives the implication that someone is playing chess with unwitting pieces. Rest of the episode in the usual place. Thanks go to CHASER again for his support.
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
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Antares wrote:Hopefully you'll read it and comment, eh, eh. You know, nudge-nudge, wink-wink. 8)
Yes, everyone read and comment! It's been stickied for a reason.

That and it's getting really good.
HellCat wrote:
ShadowCell wrote:I'm skipping this one if it's in suppository form, though. Like, I like Gundam, but not that friggin' much.
They decided against that because most Gundam fans already have something up their butt.
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I've been reading this since I found it, and I must say it is outstanding. Getting the focus off of Kira and spread around to others was a great move. Setting up with everyone on different sides was a good move as well. I'll be very interested to see how the current arc finishes, plus how you plan on finishing this.
Yea, though I sail through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil, for I am conning ten thousand tons of 'screw you'
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*bows deep* Thank you both CHASER and RedShirt. I like to have any comments but I must admit your positive feedback is even more appreciated. I am honestly glad you like it, and I hope that feeling stays with you to the end. I might give a minor spoiler that where I am writing right now I am running out of the sidestories fast and the plot starts to simplify a bit more than I would want it to, but it seems to be necessary to tie in the whole sprawling storyline.
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
Charismatic Enigma
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As requested, I'm leaving feedback at last. I agree with RedShirt. I must say that no matter what, or how things turn out, this is one of the best I've read.
"Aaahh!"-The last words of many a mobile suit pilot.
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Oh noes, it has a new episode up! Why this late, you may ask? Good question. Simple answer is: life. Okay, but enough of that. Added the Q&A and some hardware stuff (check out the old-school tech by Huhtis!), and above all, the new episode. Episode 37 - The Sea of Stars.
Start the excerpt already!
Voltaire: [breathlessly] Extraordinary!
[A door hisses softly behind him and Arvin steps in with Zander in tow.]
Arvin: So what was all that about?
Voltaire: [eyes gleaming but turning to them] We can do it. We can take back PLANT. All we need to do is… [fades inaudibly]
[Zander and Arvin both lean in, struck with curiosity.]
Arvin: What? What happened?
Zander: What did he say?
Voltaire: I don’t suppose either of you have heard of the Nightfall –project?
[Arvin and Zander glance at each other, then shaking their heads in confused unison.]
Voltaire: [waves his hand dismissively] It is nothing to be concerned about anyway. We need to move at once. Thule, I want you to raise Miami’s squad and several others. I have new orders to give out.
Arvin: [protests] Sir, only the general can reorganize our deployment. If we did as we pleased, then there would be no tactical grasp of the situation at all.
Voltaire: [grins wolfishly] I assure you my tactical grasp of the situation is complete. Now hop to it. Bao, you will take a two of the Laurasias and head to the coordinates I will give to you shortly with the freighters.
Zander: [frowns] What am I looking for?
Voltaire: [now turns, the intensity in his eyes frightening] You’ll understand when you see it. Now, both of you, I gave you orders and I expect them to be carried out forthwith!
[Zander salutes and with a grumpy face goes to do as he is told. Arvin remains however, and Voltaire frowns at him, not friendlily.]
Voltaire: Getting hard of hearing, are we?
Arvin: [straightens himself] I am one of the aces of the Hammer. Even if you outrank me, you have to give me an explanation. The other option is that I get my explanation from the general, and when he tells me you have no command in this matter, that would make you an insubordinate officer. So you better try something better than just bossing me around.
[Voltaire is slightly surprised that Arvin manages to bark even that loudly. Since he needs his cooperation, perhaps some sharing of information is necessary.]
Voltaire: Very well. I am planning to mount an attack against PLANT. That has been my plan ever since I got back. The general wishes to play it safe and go for a diplomatic treaty.
[Arvin’s shock pleases Voltaire to no end; Arvin is young enough to think that consorting with the enemy is somehow dishonorable.]
Voltaire: [to himself] If only he could connect the dots about where I got my new mobile suits from. [pause] But that would be bad, because I might have to kill him before I know he is committed.
Arvin: What are you planning to do, then?
Voltaire: I am going to prepare for the mission and then ask that the general gives me the permission to attack. We end our cowardly hiding and we show them what true warrior spirit is all about. I want you and other squads have their mobile suits at the ready and prepare to move when the order comes. It’ll take some time so we’ll need to prepare now.
[Looking at Arvin’s enthused eyes, Voltaire knows he has hooked this one.]
And because I am evil/funny:
The camera pans down and to a bed with two occupants under the white sheets. The camera zooms slightly further, showing Kira Yamato, head resting on his right arm, staring up in the ceiling. Next to him, her pink hair spread to cover the upper half of the bed is Lacus Clyne, likewise staring at the ceiling. A moment passes. Kira shuffles a bit, and Lacus pulls the sheet up to her chin. They both stare fixedly at the ceiling.]
Kira: Uh. Well.
Lacus: Yeah.
[The camera comes lower and pans the room slightly. By the looks of it, it is Lacus’ private quarters. A pair of black boxers and white socks lie on the floor next to Kira’s side of the bed, and a pink bra and panties on Lacus’ side. Kira shuffles again and clears his throat. Lacus pulls the sheet tighter, fingers clenching the edge.]
Kira: It wasn’t…
Lacus: No.
[Again the silence returns.]
Lacus: We better get some sleep. We have a lot to go through within a short time. The modifications for your GUNDAM, for one…
Kira: Yeah. [a pause] Do you think…?
Lacus: Not right now.
Kira: Okay.
Quotes not in the right order when it comes to the episode, but I find that one amusing even if I wrote that. Don't tell me it isn't! :P
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:44 am
Location: Finland

Whoops, fixed the tank data in the mecha introductions. Shouldn't copy stuff blindly... Anyway, comments welcome as usual.
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:44 am
Location: Finland

Okay, first a disclaimer. I don't try to mooch off Thundermuffin's popularity (well, maybe just a tad :P ), since I cannot compete with ATEOGSD, but since Gundam is so easily twisted into parody, and I like to laugh just as the next man, and moreover I don't think my work is in anyways exempt from the same ridicule, this was something I had to do to get out some of the more ridiculous aspects that threatened to turn the whole script into a parody. Although I am not all that adverse to parody as such, I felt it would ruin the occasionally called for serious atmosphere of the main story. So this is just random silliness, mixed in with a dash of fanservice.

So here we go, GSP episode 37.5. If you think it is funny enough, I'll put it up on the main site as well. If you get even a single LOL out of it, then I am happy. Warning: Some knowledge of my cast is required for the gags to have any foundation.
[The scene starts with an empty stage in some ritzy Hollywood establishment, an old but distinguished theatre. There is a crowd outside, people yammering to get in. The brightly glowing neon lights displays proudly that today’s big bash is about the Gundam Seed Phoenix mid-season cast party, whereas tomorrow’s feature is “Cosmic Era Stock Footage Festival”. In side the theatre itself there is a huge hall bedecked with incredible decorations with a tiny “Banrise” stamp on everything. Every possible Banrise franchise, including Eureka 7, is not-so-cleverly snuck into artwork. In the hall itself there is an orchestra in the pit at front of the stage and rows upon rows of viewers, as well as people on the rafters are breathlessly waiting for the show to being. The orchestra strikes a chord, and the drum rolls. The announcer’s voice echoes in the hall.]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for our hosts for this evening… The king of all things emo and angst, Shinn Asuka!

[Enter Shinn in a tuxedo from left side of the stage, waving to the crowd, blushing and grinding his teeth at the same time.]

Shinn: [inaudibly for the corner of his mouth] Pfft. Emo and angst? Like nobody remembers Kira and the first half of SEED anymore.

[Lunamaria is standing in the wings behind Shinn, in an elegant evening dress. She whispers fiercely to Shinn over the orchestra playing him in.]

Lunamaria: Don’t even think like that! He’ll shake your hand and make you cry again!

[Shinn waves with a frozen smile on his face and makes his way to the podium in the middle. The announcer continues.]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome tonight’s co-host, the man who can put the “shrill” into “screaming”, Yzak Jule!

[Yzak enters the stage from the right stage, with a large ruffle-tie on his purple tuxedo. Yzak’s face has his trademark perpetual scowl and he barely resists the urge to scream the announcer to shut up. Then he notices that Shinn is almost to the podium already, and speeds up. Shinn sees Yzak’s pace get faster, frowns, and also speeds up. They both end up running for the podium with Shinn reaching it first, but then Yzak tackling him to the side, grabbing the mic. Shinn pouts as Yzak ignores the teleprompter and the frantic handsigns of the director at the foot of the stage.]

Yzak: Yes, welcome everyone to this gala not by any means put up to cater for the bloated egos of Athrun Zala and Kira Yamato. Our heroes, everyone!

[The spotlight goes to the front row, where Athrun is bewildered, sitting next to Cagalli, but Kira and Lacus, the prior wearing a plain white robe and serenely holds his eyes closed, are seated on the fourth row. The spotlight somehow manages to make the slightest hint of a halo over his head. Lacus sitting next to her is also pouting.]

Lacus: [huffing, grumbling] They said they can’t fit one of my songs in but then they give the hosting to second-rate characters like Jule and Asuka. Hmmph!

Yzak: [faking sympathy] Oh what is this? Since Kira has been absent for the most of the new series, can it be he has been demoted to a fourth tier character?

Athrun: [looks around him] Actually, you’re right. [points at Dearka] Hey blondie, switch place with my homie. He needs to sit with up front with the winners.

Dearka: [stammers, shocked and outraged] But I thought you hated him!
Athrun: [laughs good-nautredly] Oh anything for the ratings. Now git. [jerks this thumb]

[With some commotion, the switch is performed, and even Lacus seems a bit happier now.]

Yzak: We’ve all seen Athrun’s antics so far, with people heavily divided on the righteousness of his cause. Fear not, Athrun, for as surely as the main script writer is your most ardent fanboy, you shall be fiercely vindicated. Hell, you might even get to beat Kira for once!

[The serene face in the front row goes blank.]

Kira: Hmmh? Hey, wait, what?

Yzak: Oh yes, and the perks of having the main part always is so hard to bear. [feigns Athrun’s voice] Everything goes bad, nobody loves or understands me, boohoohoo…

Athrun: At least I get to park next to the set, unlike some others who don’t even get paid enough to rent a car.

Kira: [indistinctly, offscreen] What did he mean by Athrun owning me? That can’t happen, I’m the main character! Again. Or am I?

Yzak: [fuming at Athrun, but continues nonetheless] And Kira Yamato has been long absent, some had even hoped he would never come back. Yet here he is.

[A image of Kira and the apron with the heart on it is projected on a screen over the stage. And the crowd laughs dutifully, but not too loudly just in case.]

Kira: I only did that because I am secure in my sexuality. [a pause] Aren’t I, dear? [looking at Lacus]

Lacus&Athrun&Cagalli: Oh yes, absolutely.

Kira: [oblivious] That was what I thought. Now, if I could return back to
this part about Athrun beating me…

Athrun: [nods sagely] I like to think of it as “whipping your ass good”.

Cagalli: [frowns] So with him whips are okay? Figures.

[Shinn makes a successful grab for the mic, shoving Yzak in the process so hard that he stumbles and falls into the pit of the orchestra with the appropriate twang of innocent musical instruments in sudden pain.]

Shinn: It seems that most people wanted to see more Kira on Athrun action… [waggling his eyebrows suggestively to the general mirth of the public, with Mongoose giving a wolf call from somewhere in the rafters] …ever since the SAVIOR.

Kira: [reacting to the last word] But I’m still right here.

Lacus: [pulling on the hem of his robe] Sit down, honey. You’re making a scene.

Shinn: Oh yes, the awesome-sauce is yet to come, but before we go into that, we have a special blooper for you from the days of Gundam Seed Destiny. Which, incidentally, was supposed to be my show.

Cagalli: [hollers with hands around her mouth] Get over it!

Shinn: [snarls] Never!

[The clip starts to play on the screen, with the FREEDOM hitting the
SAVIOR, and the right hand is sliced off. Then the image distorts into two kids with corresponding hair colors playing at a sandbox. One has just rammed his fist into the other’s toy truck, breaking it. The blue haired kid starts to cry, and then decidedly throws sand into the brown-haired one’s eyes. The analogy is not very subtle.]

Blue kid: You bwoke my twuck!

Brown kid: [spitting sand] You can’t do that! I can break anyone’s truck I like! [a pause] I always have the prettiest toys, my mum buys them for me. [puts his tongue out]

[A violently flailing-match between the two ensues. The clip ends, and the crowd chuckles again, only Kira and Athrun are not laughing. Even Cagalli is holding her sides.]

Cagalli: [gasping for air] T-that was adorable! H… he.. he sounded just like you!

Athrun: [voice dead-calm] Kira, I think it’s time to dethrone the punk again.

Kira: Agreed.

[The two leave their seats stealthily, as an ad comes up on the screen. The advertisement asks with bold letters if someone has “bwoken your truck?”. The solution is to buy a new truck from BANRISE, the main retail seller of all kinds of cheap model crap displayed on screen now. As the ad ends, Shinn moves on.]

Shinn: And here we find the secondary cast, surprisingly enough found on the secondary row!

[Among others, Ramius, Waldfeld and Dearka all smile benevolently and wave under the spotlight, Dearka’s teeth and hair gel both going “ting”. Ramius props Mwu’s head to stop him drooling unconsciously on her shoulder.]

Mongoose: [in the background] Oh come on! The veggie gets to sit in the second row?

Shinn: [smiles benevolently at the second row] But no one cares about them anyway, so let’s go to the real deal, the new cast members!

[The clapping grows stronger as the spotlight hastily moves to the third row, despite muffled protests.]

Shinn: First off, let’s meet the crazies! The EDF crew, please take a bow!

[Locke, Abertes Chiiro, Vries, Dei and the EXTENDED pilots all stand. Viktor has his headphones on. Dei stands out from the row because he has a teal tuxedo, while the rest are all color-coded in black and white.]

Dei: [whispers fiercely to Vries] You were supposed to let everyone know if we had some color-code.

Vries: [from the corner of his mouth] I did. I told everyone who isn’t a stinking Coordinator to wear black and white.

[The spotlight moves to the side from them to show the ZAFT newbies all likewise stand up and bow for the audience. Styx, Lazarr, Daelon, and Hel and Janus, with the latter two held in a leash by Styx. Lazarr pats Daelon on the shoulder as an unbecoming act of camaraderie, and Daelon frowns slightly at that, but doesn’t want to make a scene. By patting his shoulder Lazarr inserted a paper on Daelon’s back saying “Spank me, I am really Durandal in drag”, which causes merriment all around. From there the camera moves again to get the Hammer pilots up, LeCavalier getting up slower than the four aces. Arvin, Nina, Voltaire and Kildare all wave around. Voltaire fondles Nina’s prominent butt through the thin fabric of her dress despite her continuous attempts to keep his hands away.]

Shinn: Here we see another love story that is probably not going to end happily.

Voltaire: [stops groping, confused] Love?

Viktor: [mumbles, confused] Happily?

Lunamaria: [mumbles from the side, at Shinn] Criticism coming from the expert of love himself. Talk about having emotional baggage…

[The camera moves on down the row, locating a group of UPA pilots, namely Ash, Kurogawa, Jerry and Shiho. Kurogwa and Ash sit side by side and wave, and Shiho stands up with Jerry, noticeably uncomfortable in the situation.]

Shinn: And the men brought in their straight-alibis, I see.

Jerry: [snarls, slightly slurring] For the last time, stop with that innuendo! I haven’t got laid once since that shit started!

Kurogawa: That man wears pink socks.

Jerry: [eyes wide with the shock of betrayal] You promised you would never tell!

Kurogawa: [voice rising an octave] And you promised you wouldn’t get drunk and make a scene again!

[In the background Mongoose laughs so hard he falls off the rafters. After the thud of hitting the floor, his unsteady voice is heard though.]

Mongoose: I’m alright!

[Shinn prepares to move into the next segment, but a shadow drops from the top of the stage, as a figure comes down swiftly on a rope. Nightfall, in a smart black tux slams down next to Shinn, kicks his legs from underneath him, and grabs the mic from his hand. Shinn follows Yzak into the pit of the orchestra, landing ass-first into a drum.]

Nightfall: [high-pitched] Usurption!
[Nightfall thinks he might be Myojo Kyoji from S-Cry-Ed (seiyuu: Shiratori Tetsu).]

Shinn: [moaning] Pseudo-Rey! I thought I could trust your genepool… Oh, I think I bwoke my back…

[Nightfall takes the mic suddenly breathes very deeply. His voice takes an older, rasping tone]

Nightfall: Everything has happened as I have foreseen. [pause, searches for something more dramatic] And I will rule the galaxy as father and son!
[No, even Nightfall doesn’t actually know who he is supposed to be.]

[Nightfall prepares to continue, and the crowd is waiting for it breathlessly, but suddenly Athrun clambers up next to him and grabs a hold of him. Nightfall struggles, but then Kira scrambles from the wings in a proper black tux now with a small pot under his arm.]

Athrun: It’s not Shinn but some other punk trying to steal the show! Get him, Kira!

[Kira breaks to a halt in front of Nightfall, and opens the lid from the pot and shoves a ladle in, then pulling it out again and flinging a glob of something steaming, gooey and yellow right smack into Nightfall’s face.]

Kira: You’ve been fondued, bitch!

[Shrieking, Nightfall grabs his face and Athrun drops him into the orchestral pit as well, on top of Shinn no less. A direct hit from the boiling fondue is scorching his face.]

Kira: Wow, I got him good. I didn’t even need to spam more cheese like usual.

[Both Athrun and Kira look down into the pit, as the audience is completely silent.]

Kira: That fondue looks pretty scalding.

Athrun: Yeah, well, he can always wear a mask.

[Both laugh their asses off, and high-five. Kira gives Athrun the mic.]
Athrun: Well folks, it sure has been fun giving you over 37 episodes of crudely written, bordering on childish fanfiction on the Gundam Seed universe. We haven’t seen much fights so far…

Kira: Because you’ve been waiting for me to finally show up, right?

[There drummer hits the coda. The audience is not amused.]

Athrun: But that is about to change. Most of the big talking has now been
talked, and we’re finally going to see a lot of fighting…

Kira: …and talking while fighting.

[Athrun hands the mic over to Kira.]

Kira: We’ve tried to talk about several things, but never get too political. This is, after all, a fanfic written into a world of futuristic mecha where plotholes plague the motorways, severely damaging our suspension of disbelief.

Athrun: [from the background] Nice.

Kira: Thanks. We’ve tried to give a few more problematic issues, and other issues which have no correct answers. Fighting is not what makes a series good, but a general plot and character development. [hastily adding] Although there will be some heavy fighting coming up soon. Finally.

Athrun: Some people might even die.

Kira: [mock worried] But not us, right?

Athrun: Heavens, no.

[The people in the second and third rows are not amused.]

Dearka: You suck!

Kira: And seeing how many people we have here today and the size of the cast, it is inevitable that some expectations on some characters may fall short.

Yzak: [groans from the pit] That’s because you had to come back and the time spent on you couldn’t be spent on us.

[Kira, while looking away and whistling innocently, casually dislodges the fondue poton the edge of the stage with his foot, and the resounding crash and sizzle of the fondue almost muffles Yzak’s screams.]

Athrun: I always thought he looked better with a scar on his face.

Kira: But the bottom line is that we’re only trying to get some enjoyment value out of this. Please try to bear with us to the end. Thank you.

Athrun: [bows] Thank you.

[The pair walk off, and the curtains start to be pulled in front. A few hesitant claps slowly escalates into a roaring thunder, as everything GUNDAM –related tends to. It isn’t necessarily good, but at least it is GUNDAM. The camera zooms to Kira and Athrun exiting the stage.]

Athrun: That was pretty good, wasn’t it?

Kira: Yes, but what was all that talk about you kicking my ass? As jokes go I appreciate those as much as the next man, but this one…

Athrun: Hey, I could hack you into pieces and blow you into pieces and you’d still make a comeback.

Kira: True, but it is the principle of the matter.

Athrun: [sarcastically] Oh yes, how it sucks to be you. That cross on your
back feels mighty heavy right now, don’t it?

[Kira’s whining fades away. The curtains close, and the people rise to leave. Dearka fishes out a flask of liquor from his chest pocket only to have it nabbed by Ramius, who corks it quickly and takes a hearty siwg. Waldfeld is reaching for it next.]

Waldfeld: Give it here. After seeing that I think I will need a whole lot more than that to forget and forgive myself for being a part of this.

[The screen slowly starts to fade out, with the cursive text “FIN” left in the end.]
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:44 am
Location: Finland

No laughs. Well maybe people are just too shy. Yes, that must be it. :P Sorry I have been so quiet in this thread, but the sad case of affairs is that I wasted not only my desktop and laptop within one weekend. The laptop is now almost okay, and I'll get the desktop back from the shop this week so I could post up a new episode. So you don't forget about me just yet. :wink:
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:44 am
Location: Finland

I am not dead, but first my home computer was and now the server is. Figures. Episode 38 is ready to be posted the second I can get the technical stuff working with me and not against me for a change.
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:44 am
Location: Finland

Wahey, things work! So here is episode 38 - Deliverance. The Q&A is really really short, so if you guys have any questions, please ask and don't let me run my mouth as a monologue over here. :wink: A few art pieces have also been added, thanks to all contributors. Without further procrastination (there has been enough of that to go around), here is the excerpt for the episode:
Styx: I agree with your reasoning in principle, but there are other routes to take. Why are we taking this salient… [shows with his finger] here?
Athrun: [looks at Styx and Ramius both] I have some unfinished business there. There is an asteroid base in that sector…
[Ramius blanches and Styx exhales.]
Styx: The fabled Terminal Factory, where the INFINTE JUSTICE and STRIKE FREEDOM were constructed. The last fortress of Lacus Clyne. [smiles wolfishly] Well done Zala.
Ramius: [flustered] Wait, Athrun, what? You know where the Factory is? I thought only Kira and Lacus and a few others knew that!
Athrun: [with a slightly cold tone] Of course I know where it is. It would be rather sloppy of me, the head of the UPA, not to know where it was, don’t you think? [pause, looks at the projection] Out of respect for Lacus I’ve left it be for now.
Ramius: [exceedingly worried] Athrun, you’re not going to…
Athrun: [interrupts, again looking at both of them] We’re going to find the Factory and confront Kira and Lacus.
Ramius: But our mission to the Hammer…
Styx: [solidly] It can wait. The colonel here doesn’t want to fight with a potential enemy at our backs. Given what happened at PLANT, and their taste to interfere when there is fighting going on, I can’t blame him. [corrects his collar] As the ZAFT representative I approve this little… detour.
Athrun: Good. As the commander of the UPA, that is my call to make. We will make the course adjustment immediately. We will enter the sector in eight hours, and I want our ships to be ready for it.
[Styx salutes smartly, giving Athrun a broad smile.]
Styx: Sound judgment is exactly what we need. I’ll see to it right away.
[Ramius lifts a curious eyebrow but doesn’t ask. Styx leaves with brisk steps, and only as the door closes behind him, Ramius speaks up.]
Ramius: Athrun, what are you doing? Are you seriously going to fight Lacus and Kira?
[Athrun remains quiet for a moment, then raises his head with a strained expression.]
Athrun: [emphatically] I don’t want to fight them. [pause] But they might fight me. Make the arrangements to see this ship is also prepared for battle, just in case.
Ramius: [reprimanding] Athrun, do you remember the last time you and Kira were on the opposite sides?
Athrun: [winces] Yes. Vividly. But that doesn’t mean that he and Lacus are always right. [sees that Ramius intends to protest further] That is all, commodore.
And on second thought, have another one:
Dearka: Debriefing in one hour. Get your suits maintenanced yourselves, because I think the engineers are busy.
[The order is acknowledged, and all mobile suits take a turn toward their ship. Kurogawa and Ash seem thoughtful, Jerry is mouthing off to Mongoose without realizing he has hit the “Mute” –button on their comm link some time ago. Lunamaria looks around her in space, and then looks at her hands. She felt pretty much nothing during the battle aside from the one fright she got. Even Ash and Kurogawa are talking about the battle, although with less feeling than Jerry. To her it’s like she never even participated. The others talk loudly in the background.]
Kurogawa: So that what it feels like going up against a real GUNDAM. I thought I might crap myself when I started to see through my shield and the bastard kept on spamming beams.
Ash: [laughs] I suggest you wear diapers on the next sortie. Anyways, you at least still have a shield. Guess what it was like to be without one against that GUNDAM?
Dearka: [intruding on the conversation] Not nice. I miss piloting a ZAKU, which can move better than this cow. I swear, half the time I felt like the beams missed me because I am just not meant to fry.
[This statement is received by general merriment by all, even Lunamaria manages to smile. The camera moves to the bridge of the OUTRIDER, where there is another stern-faced woman. Shiho is taking in the damage assessments. She opens an audio link to Dearka.]
Shiho: [exhales] Elthmann? We’re lucky we were hit in crew quarters with almost everyone in battle-stations. I guess some people will need to bunk together for a while. With the help of the ZAFT engineers and their spare parts I estimate we’re stuck here only for a day, and most of that time goes into getting the PEGASUS moving. [sighs] Their captain insisted they would be also included in our fleet. He seems to be hankering for a payback.
Dearka: Can’t say I blame him. Oh and I won’t sleep in the same room with Saber and Mongoose, just so we’re clear.
Shiho: [frowns] Do you ever take anything seriously?
Dearka: [cocks his head to the side] Almost all the time, but that doesn’t mean I can’t joke about it. If I scrunched up my face like you do, no one would like to talk with me.
[Shiho huffs in irritation, visually imagining Dearka’s shameless grin.]
Still no new technical stat, but some is on the way. As I said, Q&A is still greatly appreciated because to me things might seem more clear than to you. I just need to be able to spell it out sufficiently well for the reader, or at least give proper hints. :P Hope you like it. Please read the whole episode when you have the time and give feedback.
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:44 am
Location: Finland

Almost ten days have passed, maybe I ought to update. Episode 39 - An End to the Waiting up now. Take a look, if you will. A bit more helpful Q&A available now as well. Here is the excerpt as always:
[The whole JOSH-B installation experiences a brief moment of almost serene calm from the naval bombardment, with trails of gravel and dust cascading from the ceiling and the walls of the base. The camera withdraws outside the base, over the ARCHANGEL and faces the mainland. The bombs dropped by the dozen bomber wings slam into the ground, and from left to right the ground on top of JOSH-B jumps up in great geysers of dirt and rock surrounded by billowing smoke and pillars of fire. The rumbling crack of the bombardment is heard clearly on the bridge of the Archangel, and Cagalli’s face darkens slightly. This display of violence goes against her principles, even if the recipients are more than deserving of this treatment. Fiercely reminding herself that these are the people who shot nuclear missiles at Orb, at her country, Cagalli steels her will and watches the frozen snowy coastline being reduced into smoldering rubble. The camera jumps to the middle of the target area, showing small radar domes, sentry guns, SAM-missile batteries, all brushed aside by the blast, leaving only debris in craters that blow up anew when another bomb hits the same spot. The camera jumps from there to an access hatch, which is directly hit by a large bomb. The group of Jet Striker –pack WINDAMs waiting for the bombardment’s end are buried by the collapsing tunnel. The camera cuts to the larger access ramp where the INFERNO, the ECLIPSE and the ICARUS are standing behind a large land-battleship, and this hatch is also hit badly. A blinding flash and a deafening explosion blow the hatch in, immediately turning the land-battleship into wreckage. The GUNDAMs behind it take minimal damage, but even they have to cower. A DAGGER L takes a shaft of metal through its torso, and Vries acts quickly, reaching over and tossing the doomed mobile suit over the deck of the demolished land-battleship. If a mobile suit explodes in the tight quarters of the tunnel, the chain reaction could be devastating. Dei looks around, bewildered, nearly hyperventilating as the pressure of the bombardment is felt even in his cockpit. Chiiro only growls and grits her teeth, waiting hungrily for the chance to climb out and return the favor. The cavernous exit tunnel is filled with smoke and dust from the bombardment and the burning land-battleship both. A few older model worker DAGGERs shuffle forward and douse the flames on the battleship, letting her remaining crew get out. Chiiro flips open a channel to Dei, who jumps at the crackle of static over the sound of the bombing.]
Chiiro: Cut open that junk heap in front of us. The second they stop bombing I want to get out of this hole!
[Dei swallows and the CRESCENT blades drop into the hands of the ECLIPSE. The GUNDAM moves to the side of the battleship. The beam-edged blades flash, and a chunk of the battleship’s hull breaks off, crashing to the ground. The ECLIPSE moves further in, slashing away, creating an impromptu path through the hull and decking of the battleship to allow the rogue EDF forces to perform a counterattack on the surface. Slashing through, Dei immediately activates the CRESCENT PANZER shields to full power, and uses them to further slam the path wider. A shower of rubble gets vaporized as it falls from the ceiling and hits the left shield. Dei immediately cuts the power back, wanting to conserve his energy for the inevitable battle ahead. Meticulously slashing, The ECLIPSE emerges at the demolished exit hatch, which is now a medium-sized shell-hole. Dei stands still for a moment, looking at the devastation on the ground. He is left speechless, but recovers quickly as the INFERNO stomps its way to the crater too. Vries gives a long, appreciative whistle on the radio.]
Vries: They really went to town with us. Haven’t seen an actual carpet bombing for years.
Dei: [curiosity getting the best of him] You’ve seen something like this before?
[The camera stays in Dei’s cockpit, and his screen shows the INFERNO turn to look right at it.]
Vries: Yeah. We flattened a squadron of Coordinators in the Himalayas when they had dug in too deep. Too bad for them they didn’t have an underground fortress to shelter in.]
So, the Hammer is really slamming down hard. Hope you like it. :)
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
Posts: 40
Joined: Sat May 05, 2007 11:18 pm

while it is a good fan fiction I am rather disappointed.

Does the AF exist or not?

Why are they supporting a EDF who is clearly hostile to them ?
Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:44 am
Location: Finland

Holy crap, an actual question! *scrambles to give a coherent answer* :)

The AF exists as an autonomous entity under the EDF. Think of the EDF like it were the EU; you have states (in this case federations) under a larger union to guard all their interests. So it exists but for example AF military was integrated into the EDF. Since the AF had the most veteran special ops pilots, unfortunately again for the AF, many of the Terranists are former AF pilots. They might even consider the Terranist agenda as a possibility to detach the AF from the control of the EDF. It would be more accurate to say that the EDF is clearly hostile to those elements of the AF military who have now become Terranists. But you should also note that the land-battleships coming to JOSH-B are primarily AF as well (it would be hard to imagine how, say, Eurasia would have such a force there, or could deploy it to another continent that fast). So you have the AF special ops (among others) going against the basic reservists and recruits (in addition to those who rejected the idea of defection) of the AF.

That distinction explains best the division the AF has gone through with the Terranist uprising. For the general population (which makes up the reserves and recruits) of the AF, the EDF is a better bet. The military is subjugated, sure, but most of the population gets benefits from being integrated to the larger union. Plus many people felt that given the hard times they've fallen under, the union would be mutually beneficial (think of the Marshall Plan after WWII; the US factories got a huge boost for being able to produce goods for the distraught European market).

I hope this explained it better. I will add this also to the Q&A to explain the dynamics between the blocs (and within the blocs) a bit better.
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
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Joined: Sat May 05, 2007 11:18 pm

IF the AF simply uses most of its resources to concentrate on only it economic development and not the entire EDF would it no be in a better position. As I said before I see only the orb Union benefiting from the peace treaty.

Why would the AF who never liked or were friend with the Orb Union work with them ?

I suggest the you say pint out That ORB, the UPA, and the EDF is on a thin Ice with the people of the AF and that the Terranists major support with the people.
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Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:44 am
Location: Finland

IF the AF simply uses most of its resources to concentrate on only it economic development and not the entire EDF would it no be in a better position.
But the markets don't work that way. You need a market for your goods, and even the whole inner market of the AF alone would not be as profitable as dealing with Eurasia through the EDF. It would be more accurate the ask if the Eurasian Federation has any economic growth of its own in the wake of the Junius crash now that basically all the producst they consume are primarily coming from the AF. That economic dependency I might also need to underline.

The AF needs stability to gain in industry. Even if the war machine gets a lot of work and revenue, that association with LOGOS made it quite unpopular (within my fic) with the regular people of the AF: The members of LOGOS pocketed the most of that money, not the average AF citizen. And since the AF is a democracy, the opinion of the people counts. You have to look at it also from a diplomatic perspective; the AF has a lot of bad reputation, and if they were to separate from the EDF, then the other Federations might take that as a hostile action. Militarily the AF has very little to gain, that is true. Economically it can gain more, and that gain is more certain inside the alliance than within it.

Besides, before the Terranists separated, it seemed like one of the agendas Abertes had was to drive the UPA into a conflicting course with the EDF, so not all of them are accepting the status quo. Sanders recanted when he realized that such an action would be impossible to succeed in the way that would put the AF in charge of a reinstated EA, but rather plunge the already decimated Earth into deeper chaos and thus make it easy pickings if the Coordinators happen to get another hawkish chairman. As a group the EDF can match PLANT, and with UPA in between, they should be soubly protected. And finally, the Treaty with the UPA kicked out all Coordinators (meaning official PLANT bases, etc.) out of Earth, which was more than the AF could've hoped to accomplish alone. The actions of the Terranists now eat away the possibility for a future militaristic endeavour by the AF.
Why would the AF who never liked or were friend with the Orb Union work with them ?
Because the way I see it, diplomacy is fluctuent all the time. It is not static. Even if you hate someone, you might work with them if you stand to gain from it. I'll give you another historical example if you consider how quickly Germans became good allies again after the Soviets became a threat right after WWII? It is quite rare in politics for any country to vehemently and unconditionally hate another country to have zero relations with them. AF military under EDF jurisdiction, in turn under UPA supervision, is participating in the operation in Alaska because the senior staff (headed by Sanders) opted for stability instead of chaos. Not many countries like to get UN peacekeepers either (well, I think most countries actually prefer having soliders from other countries getting shot in their stead), but no one really completely flips them the finger either (well, maybe in Darfur).

But this is my take through my fanfic, and I appreciate that you might see the AF as a total underdog in this. And I admit that Orb, UPA and probably even the EDF are not wildly popular and can be made even more unpopular by populist politicians. But they are recognized as the lesser of evils around. Don't forget that most recruits/conscripts/reservists of the AF are regular people who would have families and jobs elsewhere, but they take up the uniform because they have to. For them the Terranists are not heroes who will lead a just rebellion against the UPA, but saber-rattling war-mongerers who want to keep them in the cockpit of a mobile suit for untold years with the very likely possibility of never making it home alive. The rank and file opts for a more stable status quo under the EDF/UPA rather than gamble everythign away again with the Terranists. They don't simply see it as their fight, or even a necessary one at that.

Phew, long post but I hope I was able to bring my points across. I don't attempt to give a flat-out "no" to the viewpoint provided by lordyu, but give the reasons of why I have the people of the AF for example reacting to the world around them the way they do within the context of my fic. And this subject is for my part very much open for debate. Give your opinions why you think the AF (or the EF or Orb Union) should just pack their stuff and go their separate way. Who knows, I might borrow (i.e. rip off) your argument and have that happen before the end. :wink:
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
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Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:44 am
Location: Finland

Here is one of the more exotic designs I have. Feel free to criticize, or even get a laugh if you feel like it. The Terranists are desperate, and they have ships to reflect that (violent) desperation.
The Agamemnon Neo –class was a limited production venture to say the least. With the end of the Second Bloody Valentine War looming, the EA was pressured hard to refit their cruisers and battleships with all kinds of additional capabilities ranging from positron reflector shields to high output blaster beam weapons. In addition, most chief engineers were acutely aware how vulnerable battleships had become to fast prototype mobile suits like GUNDAMs. The ambitious plans were cut short when the LOGOS supported techno-military industry was put under scrutiny. The EDF-UPA Treaty set limits to warship tech and numbers, and the costly projects were readily dumped by more liberal senior command staff. However, the more radical wing of the EDF was able to carefully arrange a few ships into their custody. Scrapped on paper, the DAUNTLESS and the LEVIATHAN, two Agamemnon class battleships, were refitted for a more devastating role in space combat.
The problem in constructing the new ships was that resources were tightly monitored. Some engineers saved from the LOGOS-purge put forth the idea of integrating existing tech to the ships as a module. Most heavy weapons on the hull were removed in favor of interceptive armaments, such as the snub-nosed “Mio” railguns also mounted on the DAMOCLES, and a new weapon system was implemented. The parts selected were two backpacks for DESTROY GUNDAM –units which never had time to get built. The radical EDF faction was able to take the ships to JOSH-B for refitting. The hull of the vessel had to be extended by 10 meters to allow for the backpack to be tethered on safely. The backpacks weapons were slightly cut down, leaving only six peripheral beam cannons at each edge of the backpack out of the original 10. Knowing that this function would not serve the ship well with friendlies around, the Agamemnon Neos were redesigned to perform a devastating frontal attack on the enemy rather than serve as any kind of tactical asset within a larger fleet. The main functions of the backpack retained for this purpose were the “Aufprall Dreizehn" high-energy beam cannon and the "Schneidschutz" SX1021 positron reflector shield. The reactor of a starship was more than adequate to power this impressive weaponry. Unfortunately the ships could only assembled on Earth, and the added weight of the backpack made the feasibility of its launch doubtful. However, at the Terranist stronghold at JOSH-B, this fear was put the side out of the necessity for survival. Only two ships of this class have been constructed.
Manufacturer: Adukav Mechano-Industries
Ships of the line: Dauntless, Leviathan
Operator: Terranists
Dimensions: overall length 313 meters; overall height unknown
Backpack armaments: 2 x "Aufprall Dreizehn" high-energy beam cannon; “Nefertem 503" thermal plasma composite cannon, mounts 12 x circumference beam cannon; 4 x Mark 62 6-tube multipurpose missile launcher, mounted on main body; "Schneidschutz" SX1021 positron reflector shield.
Other armaments: 2 x “Mio” 80mm anti-mobile suit railgun turrets, 8 x "Igelstellung" 90mm anti-mobile suit automatic multi-barrel CIWS, 6 x 40mm rapid fire anti-missile CIWS, mounted on main body.
If you want to draw it, feel free. :)
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.
Posts: 1546
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:44 am
Location: Finland

Almost let a month go by. Sorry about that. As compensation, please have a double-whammy installation of Episode 40 - Fire And Snow & Episode 41 - The Last Frotress at the usual place. Fairly enthusiastic smackdown happening in Alaska. This is a fairly lengthy battle-narration, but I also like to think of this as the prelude battle for the final one. Sparring to write a large battlefield into life, if you will.

Also, these episodes include the next GSP - MSV challenge! When the Sword Calamity piloted by Rief Gauln is dragged off by the BuCUEs, I intentionally left off parts of that narration and the ending of that engagement. Now you, readers, are invited to write up one of your own! You can even rewrite some of this struggle, and give Rief some closure. As usual, I will gladly post interpretation (at my discretion however) to this blog, and “reward” those who participate with fanservice (if humanly applicable) to the coming episodes. So please have a go if you feel like it!

And finally, here is an exceprt or two:
[These missiles are advanced enough to have a secondary targeting device. One of the pilots flips a switch on the HUD display and the glowing heat signatures of mobile suits appear. Especially with these cold surroundings of the blizzard, the missile should lock right onto the signal.]
Korean pilot: Heat signatures verified. How many wings do we have coming in?
Korean pilot#2: One more. They’re refueling as fast as they can, but the weather is a bit of a problem. We might have to land on an airstrip nearby.
Korean pilot: On Atlantic Federation ground? [scoffs] I’d rather never land.
Korean pilot#2: [with humor] Whether you want to or not, we don’t have that much fuel.
[The lead pilot concurs, and their radios crackle as the formation reassembles, and dives down for their last strafing run. Vries sees them coming, guessing correctly that they are still in harm’s way. He signals a battered, damaged DAGGER L to move to his side.]
Vries: I have a little task for you.
[The pilot cringes, hearing the intensifying whine of the fighters moving in, not wanting to stand next to the prime target that is the INFERNO. At the same moment the fighters let all their missiles fly, each forming a fiery tunnel through the snowfall.]
Vries: Activate your thrusters and prepare to move.
Pilot: [confused] Move? Where to?
Vries: You’ll get the idea.
[The INFERNO shoves the DAGGER L in front of it, and calmly lights it up like a torch with the plasma flamethrower, and then kicks it in the thruster-pack. The thruster fuel detonates, sending the DAGGER L off like a low-flying burning comet. Vries, kneels and blows a jet from the air with a shot from his beam bazooka, and then jumps forward to lead a charge. The DAGGER Ls and WINDAMs of the Terranists push themselves on. As Vries intended, the heat-seeking missiles lock on the strongest signal, which happens to be a DAGGER L on fire with its thrusters burning. All missiles slam into the DAGGER L and the ground around it in a rather huge explosion. The fighter pilots see that they missed (a flame-trailing, rocketing mobile suit was not difficult to spot) and swear heavily, seeing the Terranists attacking the EDF ground forces. WINDAMs with better batteries than old DAGGERs can still use their beam carbines against the machine guns. Two DAGGERs go down immediately, and a third is blown into two parts before blowing up entirely by Vries’s beam bazooka. Most EDF mobile suits dig in their heels and throw away the machine guns and take out their beam sabers and fend off this assault. Another jet squadron dives down from the sky and strafes the attacking Terranists suits, their rounds throwing up snow and dirt in rows. A WINDAM gets sprayed squarely in the torso by two jets, and the mobile suits takes just two more steps before it topples over, suit otherwise functional but the pilot turned into Swiss cheese in the cockpit. A PP WINDAM slashes the legs from under a 105 DAGGER, which is rescued by a regular EDF DAGGER jumping to stand over the prone body of his comrade, protecting him with his own body. The WINDAM backs off, and calmly takes out the beam carbine with a free hand and then blows away the standing DAGGER first, and then the prone one. The snowfall turns into steam some distance to the left of him as Vries incinerates a SWORD DAGGER, which slumps down, the sword still poised but the mobile suit holding it resembling a lump of clay. Vries grabs the SWORD and runs up to a land-battleship and stabs the sword into the hull. The land-battleship shudders, but Vries is genuinely surprised when a machine cannon turret close to him fiercely pelts him with fire, forcing him to retreat. Vries sees his energy is running quite low now, forcing him to choose either the beam bazooka or the plasma condenser if he wants to stay in the fight a bit longer. Vries ditches the beam bazooka, knowing that there are replacements, and aggressively moves on find someone to torch. He hears the roars of jet engines and the swoosh of a missile that just barely misses him. The explosion throws the INFERNO to the ground, but regardless Vries can see at least eight plumes of flame rise from Terranist mobile suits as the last formation of Korean jets swooped in. This was the last straw that the Terranist forces were able to take. Seeing that the EDF ground forces have nearly been demolished, they can extract themselves from the fight and withdraw. Since most of the pilots are well trained and some even elite, the withdrawal won’t turn into a rout.]
[The INFERNO stomps past the silent CAVALON, already a large hill of snow piled up against it, and notices a light briefly flash from one of the windows. The INFERNO pauses, and turns its imposing bulk at the CAVALON, looking at it for a moment. Vries looks hard at the ship and then moves on, deciding his mind is playing tricks on him. A quiet moment passes as the mobile suits stomp their way into the white gloom, and only then the three officers of the CAVALON hazard to move again. They all shiver, the CAVALON all quiet around them, only in their uniforms.]
AF officer: [teeth clattering] If we get through this, I don’t ever want to see snow again.
EF officer: [blowing on his hands] I’m done with the military after this one.
OU officer: [surprised and shivering] Really? I thought you were a career officer.
EF officer: Yeah. But it’s just something people expect you to say under these conditions.
OU officer: [pause] Do you know what this reminds me of? The classic movie Alive.
[There is a long silence and then quiet shuffling as the AF and EF officer move away from their OU counterpart, who seems to be involved with some dangerous thoughts at the moment.]
-We will not be caught by surprise!
*Almost everyone I've killed uttered similar last words.
-Then I am glad once again that you are on my side.
*They've often said that too.